Whisper Wednesday and Fun Friday

Our LRC is open at lunchtime on Wednesdays and FridaysIt can be a VERY busy place with students reading, drawing, playing games and  using the computers.  It can also get very NOISY!!  Being in the hall with a high ceiling also makes it sound loud.  I’ve been thinking about a way we can create quiet for students who come to the LRC at lunchtime to do a quiet activity.  Here is my idea…

We could have WHISPER WEDNESDAY and the activities you can do are quiet ones – reading alone or with a partner, drawing, jigsaw puzzles and computers.  Then we would have FUN FRIDAY when you can play games and read, draw and use the computers (as long as you didn’t mind some noise!)

Let me know if you think this is a good idea OR you might like to share some ideas of your own. 

Do you like the names of the days or do you have some other suggestions? 

Add your ideas to the LRC Blog or tell me by FRIDAY, MARCH 5th