Mini Make-over Project

When school resumed this year I found a sign saying “Free to a good home” stuck on the furniture we had in the reception area of our front office.  I quickly offered a home to the 2-seater couch and 2 of the chairs.  Even though they were covered in faded yellow corded material which was dirty from wear and tear and dusty after the holidays I thought they had “potential”.   I had also been inspired by some other Teacher-Librarians who had shared their LRC make-overs and thought we might have a go too!





Yesterday Mrs Collins and I tackled our make-over project ….we ventured off to Spotlight’s sale to investigate what we could use to transform our furniture.  We ended up buying some single bedsheets to do the job!  Back at school we got busy with our trusty wall stapler and scissors and went about covering our chairs and couches.  Here is the final result with two cushions from Target’s 30% off cushion sale as the finishing touches on the couch…






 Our make-over came to a grand total of $30.00 for our sheets and cushions and we think we have achieved our goal to create some comfy reading places in our temporary LRC!   We  hope you will enjoy these areas when classes resume in the LRC this week…

Let us know what you think of our new reading chairs and couch …


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0 thoughts on “Mini Make-over Project

  1. WOW! Can you come to my house and work your wonders on my tired old furniture please! Well done to you both. I’m coming to the LRC to sit on the new chairs very soon.

  2. Miss Yeomans and Mrs Collins you always amaze me with your creative talents! Sitting on those comfy couches and reading a good book will be high on my list of things to do when I come to visit everyone at St Martins!

  3. Wow! I agree with Mrs Philp. Come to my house I have an old blue couch and 2 arm chairs that need your handy work.
    Mrs Michelangeli

  4. It’s great to see that nothing goes to waste at our school. I can imagine the many hours that will be spent reading those wonderful books while sitting on the new furniture! Well done Mrs. Collins and Miss Yeomans!

  5. I cannot believe they are they same chairs. I bet whoever gave them up would like them back. Maybe in your next life/career you will both be interior designers. I will hire you!

  6. Well done to Miss Yeomans and Mrs Collins you make a wonderful team. I can imagine the big line of students wanting to sit on the couch and chairs. It will be even harder leaving the LRC now. I wonder who will be the first students sitting on the stylish couch and chairs.

  7. Wacko! It is amazing how two great minds work together and how brilliantly they create new out of old. What’s next? An excellent effort.

  8. Well done Miss Yeomans and Mrs Collins, I think I should call the Better Homes and Garden team and ask if you can do a segment, to show off your talents. I like the purple cushion that gives contrast – very nice choice girls.

  9. Hi Miss Yeomans

    Your mini makeover was great. It’s amazing what two people and some bed sheets and pillow cases can do! Congratulations on your mini makeover. Oh and the pillows look great!

    Ashleigh 5V

  10. Thanks Ashleigh!

    I think Mrs Collins and I surprised ourselves with our Mini-makeover! I love the cushions because they give the couch a comfy feeling. All of the classes seem to be very happy that we have the couch and chairs to enjoy sitting on. Now I have to work on some floor cushions….

    Miss Yeomans 🙂

  11. Miss Yeomans – it looks like you did a fantastic job with your re-covering and I am sure the students appreciate your hard work that went into it. Thanks for leaving a comment on our class site I will have some of the students visit and leave comments tomorrow.
    Mr Webb, Melville Intermediate School, Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand.

  12. Those couches are really nice. I’ve sat on the couch before and its really comfortable!!
    I’m hoping to sit on it soon!!
    Taylor 3M

  13. Hi Miss Yeomans!

    I think the couches look GREAT! If I was still at SMOT I would probably sit on them every day, {If I had the time of course!} I miss SMOT already, but High School is great fun.
    Keep me updated on what’s happening in the LRC and SMOT!
    See you soon hopefully,

  14. Hi Miss Yeomans,

    It’s Stephanie just saying that the mini makeover is a huge HIT!
    Me and Maddy love sitting on them!
    I am looking foward to seeing you next week!

  15. Wow… You should take this up as a second job..
    Well done. They really do look fantastic.

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