Thank you to the “Book MonSTARS” in PCV

We always have lots of fun reading books in our LRC.  Today I finished teaching classes for the year.  PCV is my last class each week and today PCV (and Mrs V) had a wonderful surprise for me….

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Thank you for being such wonderful “Book MonSTARS” all year.  I have loved the fun we have had sharing stories and  “eating words with our eyes”….

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4 thoughts on “Thank you to the “Book MonSTARS” in PCV

  1. Dear Miss Y,
    Those book monSTARS are terrific! I love how bright, original and colorful they are. I hope you have a relaxing summer holiday!
    Greetings from Seattle on our Thanksgiving Day,
    Mrs. Hembree

  2. Thank you Mrs Hembree!

    The Book MonSTARS are just like PCV – bright, colourful and original. They have been a joy to teach in the LRC!

    I still have a few hectic weeks organising the school’s resources for 2014 and then I can enjoy my summer holiday.

    Happy Thanksgiving Day!

    Miss Y 🙂

  3. Dear Miss Y,
    The bright, colourful and original MonSTARS in PCV are truly “STARS”. Miss Chiodi and I are very lucky to have shared their first year at school.

    Mrs. V

  4. Hi Mrs V

    The book monSTARS in PCV are lucky to have had you and Miss Chiodi for their first year at school.

    Fantastic to see your comment Mrs V – you are a STAR too!

    Miss Y 🙂

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