Blind Dates with Books – Perfect Book Matches!

We now have a Blind Date with a Book display and lots of students in Year 3 and 4 have been enjoying their Blind Date with a Book.

Click on photo to enlarge 

These students have all had successful blind dates and found a Perfect Book Match.

 Perfect  Book Match:  The Ivy and  Bean series by Annie Burrows

This series is a perfect match for me because the books are fun and there are lots of characters in the books.  They are short chapters so I can read them quickly.

 Perfect Book Match: The Ranger’s Apprentice series by John Flanagan

The Ranger’s Apprentice series is a perfect match for me because I love adventure and it’s lots of fun.  Will is always trying to be a good Ranger.  I also like that John Flanagan has kept me on the edge with the Rangers Apprentice series.

Perfect Book Match:  Dirtie Bertie by David Roberts

Dirty Bertie is a perfect match for me because it is funny. I like the way Bertie is disgusting and he does things he really can’t do like kiss a clean girl, look after a hamster and play the trumpet.  I certainly don’t want to be as dirty and disgusting as Bertie!

 Have YOU had a Perfect Book Match with your Blind Date?  We’d love you to tell us in the comments section!

Blind Dates with Books!

I love to read ........

Today I spoke to the Year Fours about my concerns that we have lots of great books on our shelves that don’t get borrowed very often.  As new books get added to our collection some books get forgotten and overlooked.  There are so many great stories on our shelves waiting to be read and enjoyed!
My problem is – How do I encourage people to borrow these books?

I explained that I had read about libraries where they had “Blind Dates with Books” and wondered if they would be interested in doing it too! This would be a way for them to try out new authors and genres and borrow some of our lonely books.  “YES WE WOULD!!” was the reply. We modified the idea a bit…

To choose a book for their Blind Date the Year Fours selected…

An author whose books they hadn’t read

A genre/book type they didn’t normally read

These are some of the adventurous students who chose their book for a Blind Date.  I can’t wait for next week to see who found their “Perfect Book Match”…. 

 Grade 4ID

 Grade 4V

 Grade 4EH

It made my heart sing to see some of our less borrowed books going off the shelves to be read.  

Now I need to get busy making a display for our “Blind Dates with Books” and buy lots of brown paper bags…stay tuned!