Place Markers in the LRC

Have you seen our colourful new Place Markers yet?

In our LRC we use Place Markers (or rulers in disguise) in our Non Fiction section. The Year One and Two students have been learning how to use Place Markers to help them when they are borrowing information books. A Place Marker minds the spot where the book ‘lives’ on the shelf while you have a look at it and decide if you want to borrow it.  If you don’t want to borrow the book then you know exactly where to put the book back on the shelf. This helps to keep our information books in order so people can easily find the book they need!

Our Place Markers all have a number so you can’t get them mixed up if a few people are looking at books in the same section. We know to check the number of our Place Marker when we choose one!

It has been terrific to see some of the Year One and Two students coming in before school to use our Place Markers to explore the Non Fiction section…

Do you think our Place Markers are a good idea?

What is your favourite section in Non Fiction?

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8 thoughts on “Place Markers in the LRC

  1. Great idea Miss Y. The bright coloured place markers are easy to spot and having a number will make them easy to identify. I wonder what section is the most popular in non-fiction section.
    Mrs S.

  2. Hi Mrs S

    The new Place Markers have been a big hit!

    Some of the most popular sections in Non Fiction are Jokes, Sport, Animals, Drawing, Cooking and the experiments in the Science section.

    Miss Y 🙂

  3. They look great Miss Y. I have to redo my place markers – the rulers are a great idea! … and these are so colourful.

    Mrs H xo

  4. Thanks Mrs H!

    We had previously used wooden rulers that I sprayed gold for Place Markers but I think the “Place Marker Monster” struck last year and ate quite a few of them!

    I was excited to find these colourful rulers at K-Mart and they were on sale for $1 each – bargain!!

    Have a great week…

    Miss Y 🙂

  5. Hi Thomas,

    Thanks for your comment!

    That’s why our library slogan is “The LRC is the place to be”…

    Miss Y 🙂

  6. These colored place markers are a fun idea! I never thought of using rulers!
    Thanks for sharing your idea.

  7. Hi Mrs Hembree,

    I’ve used wooden rulers that I’ve spray painted up until now. I couldn’t resist these bright colourful (on sale!) and the students like them too!

    Glad to hear that this idea has been helpful…

    Miss Y 🙂

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